Requests to expedite hospital appointments

We have recently been receiving a large volume of requests from patients who are awaiting hospital appointments and have asked the surgery to get their hospital appointments expedite i.e. sped up.

We fully appreciate how frustrating it must be to require hospital treatment and to be waiting a long time for an appointment.

Sadly, we at the practice have no control over the waiting times for hospital clinics, nor are we provided with any direct telephone numbers which we can use to get appointments expedited on behalf of our patients.

According to figures from NHS England, a total of 5.8 million people were waiting to start treatment at the end of September 2021, the highest since records began in August 2007. As a result, we are unable to write letters to expedite your appointment for this reason.

If you are experiencing worsening of your symptoms, we advise you to contact your specialist/ consultant directly so they can assess your condition and make the necessary arrangements if an expedite of your appointment is appropriate. If you have difficulty in accessing your consultant, we advise you to contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for assistance. The PALS team can be reached on 01902 695362/ 01902 695368 daily between 10am and 3pm.

Thank you for your understanding.