The 0-18 years website is here

A new resource has been launched by the NHS Black County Integrated Care Board (ICB) to support pregnant women and parents of children with a range of health advice.
The new website contains health advice from local health professionals for families in one place. There’s an extensive directory of common childhood illnesses such as rashes, coughs, asthma, sickness, earache, conjunctivitis and head injuries as well as information on maternity and mental health and wellbeing.
The health information showcases a traffic light system so parents and guardians know the signs to look out for, where to seek help, what to do to keep an unwell child comfortable and how long symptoms should last. It can be easily shared by print or by sending a link via SMS for free.
It follows similar initiatives happening across the country, known as Healthier Together, which have shown a positive impact in that area by reducing GP appointments and A&E attendances.
You can access the site now, go to